Sometimes things are just meant to be.

I know, it sounds trite, but despite it all, I’ve finally come to the realization that ultimately, everything works out the way it should, whether you like it at the time or not.

B and I met my freshman year of high school. 18 months later we were dating. Eventually, I went to college and he joined the Army – and then, 4 months later we were married. He did a tour in Iraq – the hardest year of both our lives. We survived – not unscathed, but we made it through together. Six months after his homecoming, we found out a new member would be joining our family, and just a month later he was unexpectedly discharged from the Army on a medical chapter.

We moved back home to live with my mother and godmother, and to start our family in a tiny corner bedroom. Our son was born, and I finished school. I got a job teaching high school journalism in a small town two hours away, and that’s when our adventure started a new chapter.

It’s two years later and we’ve been in our own home for five months now. This city girl now feeds the three dogs every night, gathers fresh eggs every afternoon, and spends her weekends on the front porch. Things certainly aren’t what I expected them to be, but we’re blessed, and still in love, and that’s all we need.

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